The Long Dance ceremony is brought
to us by Beautiful Painted Arrow (Joseph Rael) Native American
Medicine man, Visionary, Mystic and author from the Souther Ute
and Picuri Pueblo Native Nations.
Before the dance all dancers paint
a banner where they materialize their pourpose for the dance:
What it is they want to leave behind in their lives, what they
want to call into their lives and what their wishes are for others
and the world at large.
Traditionally we dance all night
around a fire within a circle enclosure; half the night in one
direction, the other in the opposite direction, working the spirals
of energy to first go deep within where matter implodes and we
are purified of that which we wish to leave behind in our lives,
and then when we change to the upward spiral, we send forth prayers
and blessings to the universe and also receive them, as our wishes
for the future are potentiated and realized through the energy
we set in motion through our dance steps.
The earth we take out from the
fire pit in the middle is placed in front of the entrance on the
eastern side of the circle enclosure, and becomes the earth altar,
where we place offerings, flowers, cornmeal and candles, and where
dancers can go pray anytime during the dance.
We dance from sun down to sunrise
mostly without stopping. Each dancer is welcome to play instruments
while they move around the fire in one or another direction.
The San Pedro Long Dance Ceremony
is a variation created by Miguel A. Kavlin, Bolivian Shaman and
apprentice to Beautiful Painted Arrow, who named him the caretaker
and chief of the Bolivian Sun-moon Dance which is being danced
for eight years now.. This variation was inspired by his work
with the magical and sacred cactus of the Andes, San Pedro (achuma).
Before the San Pedro Long Dance
Ceremony we prepare a burnt-offering ceremony in the Andean tradition,
to propitiate the Great Spirit, the Grandfathers and Grandmothers
of the four directions, All Enlightened Beings, The Mountain Guardians
(Achachilas), Spirits of Sacred Places (Huacas), Ancestors (awichas),
Mother earth and local guardians in order to obtain their permission
and help in conducting the dance.
Around the fire we place a six-pointed star, and in each point
of the star we place offerings of food, flowers and spirits for
the beings in each of the six worlds: the world of the Gods, demi-Gods,
Humans, animals, hungry ghosts and demons, that they too may derive
benefit from our efforts, and their suffering be eased. That is,
we dance and work through our obstacles, obscurations and confusions
in order to benefit ourselves and all of beingness.
In the center is the fire where
all is one and all pollution and contamination is consumed and
transformed, and wherefrom blessings ensue to guide us towards
the integration of our manifold dislocated and uncoordinated energies
into the one heart. When they want or need dancers kneel in front
of the fire to pray and offer cedar or cornmeal or coca leaves.
In the San Pedro Long Dance Ceremony
participants in the dance consume an amount of the sacerd cactus
and enter the healing and cleansing process which it brings along.
An incredible amount of work is done in one night, where with
everystep we set energy in motion and are able to transcend obstascles
carried within, sometimes for entire lifetimes.
Some of the participants enter
into pastlife experiences in order to free themselves from their
naegative charge in the present. One dramatic example is of two
ladies who during one dance both entered into a state of great
suffering and wailing, breathing very fast. This lasted for a
long time until they where able to relax and rest in peace. As
they told us afterwatds, they where seeing a life where they where
both burnt unjustly at the stake, accused of witchcraftŠsubsequently
they entered a state where they saw themselves dying and giving
birth simultaneously. It was a rebirthing experience that freed
them from the past and allowed them a free start in this life.
Another lady completely lost her
sense of self into a seeming chaos, only to find herself back
in full consciousness, only this time in onneness with the Great
Spirit, feeling the perfection of it all and herself in harmony
with all of creation.
It is through the sacred songs
that Miguel was taught, both by beautiful painted Arrow as well
as his amazonian techer, Don Agustin Rivas vazques, and others
directly by the spirits, that all these processes are kept within
safe bounds and the entire process carried out without any harm
to participants. No matter how intense the process during the
ceremony is, by the time we come around to finishing the ceremony,
everybody is safely brought back to themselves, only free of some
of their burdens, full of insight and blessings, and ready to
enter back into their lives with renewed energy, vision and insight.
To do so the shaman blesses each
dancer with the sacred smoke at key places in their bodies, helping
to expell anr remaining negativities attached to the dancers,
blessings the energy pathways of the body, and closing the chackras
so that dancers can safely reenter the world.
We finally close the ceremony with a burnt offering ceremony giving
thanks to all the beings who participated with us in the dance
and helped us to send out and bring in the blessings so that all
of beingness may be blessed by the efforts of the participants
and our lives be beautiful and honorable from here on!
Once a year Miguel tours Europe,
Canada and the US, and also takes people on journeys through the
Bolivian and Peruvian Andes and Amazon.
For more info on the San Pedro Long Dance and other rituals and
Sacred Journeys conducted by Miguel Kavlin, please visit
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