The practice of Tai Chi Chuan helps to reunify all the energy which is habitually disperse and misspent. The first effect is a sensation of well being throughout the body, the muscles work without being stiff producing a true muscular desconcentración that makes nervous tensions disappear little by little, favoring the proper functioning of the internal glands.

The respiratory capacity increases and upon becoming profound and abdominal has a beneficial effect on the internal organs. The continual rotation of the hips and waist leads to great elasticity in the abdominal muscles which upon contraction affect a true massage on the liver, bazo, intestines, etc. and this induces nutritive and digestive processes, preventing the appearance of ulcers and curing certain types of ulcers.

The movements of Tai Chi tone the heart and regulate its rhythm, improving the circulation of blood, as well as high blood pressure,

cardiac illnesses, lung tuberculosis, auricular rheumatism, anemia, obesity and other pains, especially chronic ones. It is designed to prevent and make disappear both lumbares pain as well as any other pathology of the vertebral column, a primordial element of the body, which becomes stronger and more flexible with constant practice