Miguel A. Kavlin


Miguel A. Kavlin was born in La Paz, Bolivia, where he lived until he was 17 years old. Then he went to the United States to attend university and he began to have unusual experiences which led him to eventually become interested in the culture and religion of native North Americans .

In 1983 he traveled to the deserts in the southwest on a pilgramage to the ancient sites of the Anazazi, where he passed his time looking for vision and meditating; Finally this trip led him to a meeting with Beautiful Painted Arrow at the Sun Dance in southern Utah. Since then Miguel has been studying and participating in various rituals with Beautiful Painted Arrow

After becoming a resident in New York, where he completed his studies in anthropology and philosophy, Miguel began a non-profit agency which worked with public school students in New York City en multicultura, the prevention of violence, adolescent rites of passage and various other educational programs.

Miguel holding two flowers that first appeared to him in a vision and which he later found in the jungle

While in New York, Miguel met Sifu Kenny Gong, a professor interno of martial arts and traditional Chinese doctor. Sifu Gong trained Miguel in the arts of Shing-Yi Chuan and Pa-Kua. This training has provided Miguel with a strong base for all his spiritual practices.

In 1987 Miguel met Don Agustín Rivas Vazques and studied with him, which led to his living with him at his camp in the jungle. Now Miguel is the only foreigner authorized by Don Agustín to lead ceremonies outside the Amazon jungle. Since 1989 Miguel has been bringing people from the United States, Canada, Europa and Australia Don Austin’s camp, and he has also been traveling to those places to give talks and workshops. In August 1996 Miguel completed the first volume of a three part documentary video on shamanism in theAmazonian jungle, with interviews with Don Agustín Rivas Vazques and the paintings of Don Pablo Amaringo.
Since 1995 Miguel has also been an aprentice of Don Hector Aguanari and Don Jose Cora

Miguel’s Oración in this life is to help people reconnect themselves with the source and nourish peace within themselves, the world and the cosmos.

Miguel and other Sundancers cutting-down the Sundance tree

In December 1996 Miguel and a few members of his group initiated the peace chamber of Sacharuna on the slopes of the Bolivian Andes, a ceremonial space dedicated to planting the seeds of peace in the hearts of everyone who comes with good intentions and a good heart.

Finally, Miguel plans to buid a retreat center for everyone with a spiritual orientation in the Sacha Runa space, on the slopes of the Bolivian Andes. There are already people from all over the world who come to spend time in the Sacha Runa peace chamber, and go on shamanic journeys with Miguel to the many sared and beautiful places that Bolivia has to offer (see the page on shamanic journeys).